Fran Coulter Honors Program at ASUMH

Student Course Contract

Program Overview
Student Eligibility
Course Descriptions
Graduation and Maintenance Requirements
Application: Current Student, 1st Semester
Student Course Contract
Faculty Course Contract
Faculty Selection and Course Proposal
Sample Honors Forum Syllabus
Sample Honors Forum Schedule

Course Contract

Students enrolling in honors courses will be required to sign a course contract that verifies the student’s commitment to the honors component of a course. The contract outlines the assignments that distinguish the honors aspect of the course.

Fran Coulter Honors Program

Arkansas State University--Mountain Home

Honors Credit Contract

The student must sign this form with Parts I and II completed by the end of the registration period. The form must be turned in to the co-directors of the Fran Coulter Honors Program and will be returned to the Instructor, who will complete Part III at the end of the semester. To earn honors credit in the course, the student must satisfactorily complete the honors contract by the time the instructor submits the grade for the course. Note: An incomplete honors contract is permitted only in those instances in which the student receives a grade of “I” at the time the course grade is submitted for the entire course. The honors contract then must be completed at or before the time the professor changes the “I” grade by submitting a change-of-grade form to the registrar. 

NOTE: After the last day to register, a student may not “drop” or withdraw from the honors component he or she has contracted for without dropping/withdrawing from the course.


Student’s Name: ______________________________ Student Id# ___________________

Major: _______________________________ Advisor: ___________________________

Student’s Local Address: ___________________________________________________________

Telephone: ____________________ Email: _____________________________

Contracted Course:_____________________

Semester and Year: ____________________ Instructor: __________________________

The distinction between Honors credit and ordinary credit in this course will be based on the successful completion of the objectives and assignments outlined in Part II.

____________________           _______________________           _____________
    Student’s Signature                        Instructor’s Signature                              Date

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